Both our 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Sunday in-person services resumed on May 31, 2020. To date we have had no COVID-19 issues with any of our attenders or their immediate families. In addition to our in person services, Sunday worship and prayer may still be viewed live online.
Updated: As of June 11, 2020, the Orange County Health Authority stated that they, "will no longer require that most residents wear a face covering, but strongly recommends that they should when outside of their home and unable to physically distance themselves by six feet from others." In following with the updated order, we strongly encourage you to wear a face covering if you are unable to maintain 6-feet social distancing while on the CHC premises.
2) Respectful distancing
The CDC states that social distancing, also called “physical distancing”, means keeping space between yourself and other people outside of your home. To practice social or physical distancing, please keep at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people
As we get back together, let’s be patient and honor an appropriately healthy distance between family groups in order to minimize the potential spread of any viruses. For the time being, please refrain from physical contact with those outside your family unit (ie. hugging, handshakes, etc.). The church will be appropriately marked and set up for 6′ distancing.
3) Temperature taking
Digital thermometers guns will be used to ensure that no one attending the service has a fever and is feeling unwell. This process will not have any personal contact with the skin. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4o F will not be allowed to enter the church premises. Those taking temperatures will wear gloves and plastic shields over their masks to ensure the safety of those having their temperatures taken.
4) Safety Measures
The safety of our church members is of utmost importance. Hand sanitizing stations have been placed throughout the campus. Every area of our campus has been professionally sanitized by a cleaning company leading up to the reopening. In addition, we will be sanitizing the campus throughout that Sunday before and after the service. We are implementing social distancing in our sanctuary and courtyard following the 6′ guidelines. We ask you to stay home if you or your children have any signs of illness.
5) What about children?
During the second phase of regathering, we will be providing Harvest Kidz in-person services for children between 1-11 years of age.
For both services, the Main Hall and Vision Room will be available for family seating. Parents should supervise their children to ensure they are maintaining social distancing and if not, to wear face masks.
Also, at least one parent must accompany their child to the restroom while on campus, if not in Children’s church.
6) Attendees must register
With the current social distancing requirements, online ticketing allows us to manage our service flow and size to keep within the appropriate distancing standards. Tickets are free but are first come first served. This strategy will not be a permanent solution but is necessary for the current season. Tickets will be available from this website starting Monday, May 25, 2020 for the following Sunday services.
Seating will be reserved for those with registrations and will open 30 minutes before the service time and will be held until 5 min before the service time. Seating of the service will close 10 minutes after the service starts.
We look forward to having you with us for our in-person services and to maintaining a safe environment for all of our attendees.